Chaos is a ladder.

My Obsidian Workflow | Recommended Plugins and Configuration

Recently, I have been using Obsidian as my main software. After configuring it, the user experience is excellent. However, it is an undeniable fact that the learning curve is high. Here, I will record the file organization format, plugins, and various settings I am currently using to facilitate quick start.

Project Address:

1. Introduction#

This repository stores the Obsidian templates I use, which implement the following functions:

  1. Unified storage of attachments
    1. Images are stored locally or accessed through an image hosting service (images can be directly uploaded by pasting/dragging)
    2. Other attachments are stored in the Attachment folder
  2. Use Excalidraw for local drawing
    1. Custom Chinese fonts
      CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.20.53@2x.png
    2. Custom library of commonly used materials
    3. Use the Slideshow plugin for canvas presentations
      CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.40.13.gif
    4. Use the Mindmap plugin to quickly draw mind maps
      CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.48.54.gif
  3. Implement built-in Copilot in Obsidian (requires OpenAI API)
    CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.53.44.gif
  4. Implement built-in browser in Obsidian
    CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 17.58.14.gif
  5. Implement code highlighting
  6. Implement direct execution of Markdown code snippets
    CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 18.01.45.gif
  7. Adjust the UI to the Github style
  8. Hide menu scrolling
  9. Use Github for synchronization

2. Usage#

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
cd Desktop
git clone
  1. Delete the .git file, file, and Placeholder.txt file
cd ObsidianTemplate
rm -rf .git
rm -rf
cd ..
find ./ObsidianTemplate -name "Placeholder.txt" -delete
  1. Create a .git file and configure the repository or use iCloud for synchronization
cd ~/Desktop/ObsidianTemplate
git init 
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"

If you are using iCloud for synchronization, use the following command and ignore steps 4. and 5. (if your iCloud file location is different, please change it accordingly)

mv ~/Desktop/ObsidianTemplate ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents

Turn off the Obsidian Git plugin

  1. Add a remote repository
git remote add origin <your repo link.git>
git push --set-upstream origin main
  1. Set the automatic push time for the Obsidian Git plugin

It is recommended to set it to backup every 10 minutes

3. Organizational Structure#

Obsidian Template

├── //README document
├── Attachment //Attachments
│	     └── Placeholder.txt //Placeholder file to ensure the existence of the folder
│	     └── Copilot //AI conversation copies
│	     └── Excalidraw //Excalidraw whiteboard
│	     └── Templates //Obsidian template files
└── Plugins //Plugins
│   └── Excalidraw 
│        └── Fonts //Fonts
│	     │    └── DongJingJieJiaoDeXiaoLangMan-2 //Chinese Excalidraw style font
│        └── Library //Drawing materials
│        └── Scripts //Scripts
│             └── Downloaded //Downloaded by third parties
└── Source //Resource files for storing PDFs, ePubs, Hand-Write-Notes, etc.
│	     └── Placeholder.txt //Placeholder file to ensure the existence of the folder
└── .git //Git configuration files (need to be deleted manually)
└── .obsidian //Obsidian configuration files
	     └── plugins //Plugin files
	     └── themes //Theme files
	     └── xxx.json //Shortcut keys, workspaces, plugin configuration files

4. Others#

  • For Excalidraw drawing, you can use the Raycast plugin to get vector images from the icons8 website

Refer to:

Effect display

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